
It’s springtime! If you are like me, you are happy to have a change in the weather, trees, flowers and more daylight in each day! Along with that comes the start of the busy move season, meaning that more people will be buying and selling homes at this time.

If you are preparing to sell, think about purging as much as you possibly can prior to the move. In my past experience, people have moved items from house to house that they did use or need anymore. What a waste of time, energy and money. An easy way to do this is to sell any unwanted items on your local Nextdoor app/website, Marketplace, or community selling page. It is also a good idea to sort through the items in your storage and reduce it to what you will only need or use at the new home.

There are occasions where clients simply haven’t had the time to sort through everything and they end up moving it as is and then dealing with it at a later time on the other end. It’s not ideal but it is best to sort through your items upon arrival and organize them in a manner that is rational and easy to use and maintain.

Sometimes, you move and put things in whatever storage you have whether it makes sense or not. You just want things put away, out of sight, out of mind. This instance reminds me of a client that I recently helped. They have great closets and storage areas in their home but things were put in the storage areas randomly and not grouped together in an organized way. I took the time to sort through everything in the closets and group like items together and then put the items back into the closets in an orderly way. While doing this, we labeled everything so that they know exactly what they have. One closet is for her sentimental items and genealogy. Another closet is for her husband’s reference materials and their office supplies. All media items were removed from the storage area and placed in the cabinets where their media players are (DVD and turntable). Now when they are looking for a specific item whether it be a family heirloom, vinyl record, or reference book, they know exactly where to go to put their hands on just what they are looking for.

If you are moving soon, I suggest that you start going through the items that you rarely use and reduce what you have. Once you move everything to your new home, put some thought into setting up your home. Especially your kitchen, pantry, closets and storage then organize each area logically. Group like items together and label what you are putting into your storage area. I often label the front and side of the container so that you can see it from whichever side you are looking at it. If you take the time to set everything up with intention in the first place, it will be simple to have an organized home that is easy to maintain. If you have moved and didn’t take the time to put things away in an orderly fashion, take some time to sort your belongings and store it accordingly.

If you find this to be an overwhelming challenge, let me assist you. I’m happy to help you prepare for a move, settle into a new home or even sort and organize what you have already put away in your home. It is always my pleasure to help my clients get their spaces under control so that they can love where they live and live in an orderly way.

Contact Julie for help with your organizing needs or to schedule a speaking engagement.