Written by Mary Michele Nidiffer Master Style Coach & Founder, Podcast Host at Style by Mary Michele, StyleFinder Boutique


Fall is here and it’s time to start taking stock of your wardrobe.  It’s a busy time when everything gets back on track and it is key to feeling polished and put together that you do a little a little homework.  This starts with clearing out your closet.

A wardrobe isn’t built in a day, and typically women have years’ worth (or more!) of clothing jammed into their small space, cluttering it up and preventing you from seeing what you want to wear.  More than creating clutter, it often causes shame.  All those clothes piling up over the years, taking over your closet, your bedroom, your home.  Women come into the boutique all the time and whisper to me, “I have clothes that I’ve had since college” as if it’s a mortal sin.  While it may not be quite that bad, it isn’t healthy, and worse – it’s taking you way longer to get dressed.

It’s time to toss some things and I want to make it easy for you.  Start with these 5 things and see where it takes you.  I’m cheering you on, my friend.  You can do it!

1/ Anything that you haven’t worn in over a year.

There will always be that will always be an exception.  Having a couple of exceptions is ok, but having a closet full of them is what got you into this mess in the first place. Be judicious and you’ll reap the benefits.

2/ Anything that no longer fits.

I encourage you to go through your closet and try on EVERYTHING.  If it doesn’t fit, flatter and make you feel good, get rid of it.  My client, Brenda confessed to me that she didn’t like the way any of her jeans fit.  When she tried on a pair jeans at StyleFinder, she was so stunned she couldn’t believe it!  She vowed to toss the others and only wear her new ones, because they made her feel like a million bucks!  

3/ Baggy, pleated pants or jeans.

I see it all the time and it’s just not flattering.  Baggy pants visually add so many pounds, ladies.  Seriously.  And if you wear a loose-fitting top, just fuggedaboutit!  You’ll look much heavier than you are, shapeless and boring.  Ditch the baggy pants or jeans and find something that truly fits!

4/ Your old blazers. 

While blazers are actually making a comeback this fall, the old, long blazers from the 80s and 90s went out with big hair.  If you love the look, retire your dinosaurs and treat yourself to a new one!  It’ll freshen up your look, will go with everything and will help you to feel right in style!

5/ Anything that you can’t.stand.to.wear.  Period.  

You know that feeling when you wear an outfit out of the house and get to where you’re going and can’t wait to get home again so you can change?  Yeah, don’t do that.  Get rid of it and never wear it again. 

You deserve to wear ONLY clothes that make you feel like a million bucks!  If you don’t like it for whatever reason, don’t rationalize how much you spent on it, or how you feel you should wear it (I know – I’ve done it too!).  Just. let.it.go.  You’ll feel free, never to be constricted by an ugly, ill-fitting outfit that makes you feel ugly and ill again!

Need help knowing what to wear? Join us in our StyleFinder VIP Group on Facebook for endless style inspiration, tips and trends to keep you looking fabulous! Or email me at michele@shopstylefinder.com to learn more about our Signature course, Dressing with Confidence, SF School or Style or personal styling services.