
Did you know that organizing is not just about reducing the clutter and creating a place for everything and everything in its place? Yes, of course it is about people’s “stuff”, but more importantly, it’s about treating them with respect and understanding. That is what I’ve been thinking about and want to share with you.
What happens behind closed doors? The top question I am asked is, “have you ever helped a hoarder?” My answer is this; I am not an expert in that arena and therefore I haven’t. If someone is a hoarder, they need help from a professional. Have I helped others that were in the mindset that they are ready to reduce and be freed from their “stuff?” My answer is, yes! And in some cases, the amount that we removed from their house for donation or discarded was a lot!

Often times, my clients are dealing with challenges such as the loss of a loved one, downsizing or after going through a divorce. What I’ve noticed is that during that change in their life, they are just barely able to cope with the issue at hand. There home is no longer a priority and their belongings start to build up around them. They are unsettled and need my help to overcome the hurdles of their surroundings. Many tell me that they don’t even know where to start. I put myself in their place and can imagine what they are feeling. I treat them with kindness and compassion when coming up with a plan of action. There are times when family members can be too harsh and therefore, clients have hired me to help them to avoid working with their family. When I work with my clients, first and foremost, I have an upbeat attitude, mostly because I simply love what I do! I also keep them on task, often being referred to as adult supervision! It get it, it is easy to become distracted when you are working on a project that you don’t particularly like and would rather be doing something else. There are times when I assign my clients tasks to do while I’m working on a different area (such as sorting paperwork or making decisions on keepsakes) and then we come together and I suggest a way to organize their “keep items” and make sure that it is something that they also find quickly and can easily maintain.

Have you heard the saying the ‘grass isn’t always greener on the other side?’ Things aren’t always what they appear to be. There are people all around you that look perfectly fine on the outside but you have no idea what is happening behind their closed door and how heavy their hearts are feeling. Like Ellen says “be kind to one another!” I can help ease the pain of losing a loved one by finding wonderful organizations to donate items to that help others in need. I always try to make the process as easy as possible for everyone involved. I assist with furniture pickups, dump loads and taking items to the appropriate donation centers. I don’t want to burden my clients with anything additional.

Sometimes, I can tell that clients need to share the stories about their belongings with me before letting them go. And, that’s okay too. Listening is an important skill to have in my business. Helping my clients make the decision as to whether or not to keep something is also another keen skill. I’ll ask some questions and then we will jointly make a decision.

Know that when you are working with me, I will have patience, kindness and empathy. I truly love helping others by lifting the weight off their shoulders and organizing their belongings with compassion.